Cupid Shoots, She Scores Page 2
“Anyone who has access to our records,” Ronin answered, a grin curving his full lower lip. “Whoever sent this knows of our application and signed releases to be called into filming. It says we’ll know more soon about what is planned for us at the party. Do we go?”
“I don’t see why not, but since Trina is due back, we better ask her.” Jake placed his invitation in his briefcase. Someone had taken a lot of trouble to impress him, and he was. Definitely impressed. This didn’t seem like one of Trina’s usual scenes, but then again, they had to find out if they passed with honors or not from the school.
Jake and Ronin turned toward their office door just as Trina strolled in. It was time to get some information from their illustrious leader on what her plans for them were. Jake cleared his throat, capturing his lover’s attention as well as Trina’s, then said clearly, “Did you get an invitation to a special Valentine’s Day party, Ronin?”
“Why, yes. Yes, I did. I wonder who sent it.” Ronin’s gaze landed on Trina. Although they knew better than to tease her when she was busy organizing the shipments for the week, it was a game they knew how to use against their boss. One she knew they used but couldn’t figure out how to get around, which provided them with incentive to continue using it. They would gang up on her and confuse her with questions from one, then the other, until they got the answers they needed from her. If she knew anything, it wouldn’t take them too long to know it too.
Trina shook her head at them. “It wasn’t me, darlings. However, we do need to have a small talk about a few personal things, including plans for tomorrow night.” Trina gestured to her private conference room. “Go now, boys. You will assume your House Seti attire inside the room. Consider that an order from your mistress, not just your supervisor.”
Both men jumped up from their shared desk space, rushing into the conference room. Quickly, they removed their clothing, knowing Trina would take her time, making them wait with anticipation. Jake looked at Ronin’s golden-skinned, muscular, naked body; a rush of desire flooded him, something that hadn’t gone away once Trina had taken them under her wing to train them as her submissives. She’d told them there was a good reason she prevented them from having sexual intercourse with each other for the past four months. Now he hoped to know why. Perhaps it was this feeling, this sensation of remembering how he felt beneath Ronin, or how it was when he topped his lover. Either way, the need to be possessed by his lover and best friend had grown into epic proportions.
Both men knelt at the foot of the table -- hands behind their backs, heads bowed -- as the door whooshed open, allowing Trina entrance, her boots clicking on the polished marble floor. The only things either could see were the tips of her dark brown leather boots. Her voice swelled over them, her hands sliding through their hair. Jake relaxed his shoulders as his body stiffened under her ministrations. Trina always knew how to get him to let go with just a touch, but he really wanted to know more about the invitation.
Her voice dropped lower, forcing Jake to listen closely. “You are both very good boys. And tomorrow, you will be receiving your reward for all your hard work -- from me personally, though you are invaluable here at P3.”
Jake’s dick thickened with intense arousal at Trina’s sensual tone. He knew it was deliberate, just as were her actions of touching their backs in such a light, possessive manner. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Ronin’s cock reacted similarly, standing out smartly from a bed of dark curls. Her husky voice caressed a man’s insides, made him think of hot, sweaty sex that left him breathless. He struggled with his thoughts, trying to remember that he was to find out more about their new mistress. “Thank you, Mistress Trina. What will happen with us?”
“Well, Jake, it’s like this. I’ve given your joint chip to your new owner, who would like to be known as Mistress Valentine until she reveals herself. This new owner is the one who issued the invitation for the Valentine’s Day party. In fact, she asked me to remind you of the releases you signed about a year ago renewing the option to be pulled as actors for one of our videos.” She paused, her hands still caressing them. Jake shuddered under her soft, reassuring touch. “How do you two feel about what’s going to happen?”
“Will she care for us like you do, Mistress Trina?” Ronin asked, his voice a bit shaky to Jake’s ears. “I know that this is a good thing, but will she care for us as much as you have? Does she know what we need and desire?”
“From my knowledge of this mistress, she’s willing to go to levels that I’ve not. In fact, I can almost guarantee you both that, with the help of our greatest computers, you two and she are a complete match on all levels,” Trina commented, kneeling in front of both men. She tilted up their chins so that they looked at her. “I will miss you both, my fine submissive males, but you need more than what I can give you. She will complete you like none other. But you won’t know who she is until then. I’ve extended an invitation to her to see your graduation tomorrow night.”
“As you wish, Mistress,” both men intoned, Jake shaking and noticing his lover doing the same. Trina reached out and touched their cocks. Her hand felt so good against Jake’s cock, he trembled at her possessive, loving touch.
“My last act as your mistress is for you both to take full advantage of the spa here at P3’s resort facilities on the thirteenth. Consider it my gift to you both for doing so wonderfully on your submissive tests. Buff up, clean up, and relax with the massage therapists -- and indulge. Your outfits for tomorrow night will be brought to the room that I’ve reserved for you. Then you’ll meet me at House Seti at the appropriate time.”
Trina continued stroking them in that deep, slow manner that drove Jake wild with need. “On the morning of the fourteenth, you’ll get treated to another spa session, this time focusing on prepping you both for your first production as actors. You know the time and where to show up that night, since it was on the invitation.” She caressed their cocks faster, making both men moan in pleasure. She continued speaking in her low voice, preventing them from reaching that all-important subspace. Jake just wanted to feel, not think, but no matter -- later on he’d make sure that this moment played over in his thoughts. “Thank you for serving me so well, gentlemen. I think that I’ve made the right decision in this, and I hope you’ll be kind enough to let me know in the next few days if I’ve made a wise one for you both.”
“We’d be honored, Mistress Trina,” Ronin responded, placing one of his hands on hers, forcing her to stop rubbing his engorged dick. “What would you have us do for you this one last time before we go?”
Dropping her hands to her knees, Trina smiled. “Nothing for right now. Though I am pleased you offered yourself to my pleasure at this moment. It’s that kind of service that makes you both beautiful submissives. Now go, enjoy the rest of the day off once you clear your desks.” She turned from them, sat at a desk in one corner of the room, and pulled up something on the computer.
Jake quickly dressed, his eyes darting back to Trina, who smiled encouragingly from her corner of the conference room. She had to know more than she was telling. How else would she have gotten to use the computers and the psychologists who helped to match people to those with similar interests and needs? You had to know the right people or be one of those scientists trained in finding the right combinations of people, and his boss worked in shipping full-time, not a research lab. He glanced at her again, and this time, she shook her head slightly, as if knowing what he was thinking. Trina wasn’t going to reveal who their new mistress was, no matter what kind of blackmail he considered using against her. But there was something he could do -- the direct approach. It might just shock her into revealing a little something. He went to her side and knelt next to her.
“So will you tell us something of our new mistress?” Jake asked before kissing Trina’s hand. “Share something that will show us why you chose her for us. I admit I’m curious to know about this woman you say is perfect for us.”
“Her needs are
like yours -- to serve and be served. To be truly herself and to have the joy of intimacy with two men who can handle her deep stamina and bow to her wishes of pleasure.” Trina mussed Jake’s short hair. “Mistress Valentine likes you both and knows of you both. She’s seen you at my dungeon and at House Seti.”
“So we have seen her at either place, at least without us knowing,” Ronin inferred, kneeling beside Jake. “That narrows the list down since you don’t invite just anyone to your private dungeon. I can only think of a handful or so since we began training under your guidance.”
Trina nodded. Jake knew she was pleased by their perceptiveness. It made him warm inside that she explained what she could and tried to reassure them both. It showed just how much she cared for them as submissives and as friends. “This is true. Now go and get ready for tomorrow’s graduation exercise. Be on time and be prepared to show your acquired skills to your new owner. I’ll e-mail you a list of things I want taken care of before I arrive. We’ll begin at our regular time, so I’ll expect you both there, ready for a workout.”
“As you wish, Mistress,” Jake said as he took Ronin’s hand. “Let’s not offend Trina further.”
“Thank you for everything, Mistress,” Ronin said as he and Jake walked out the door.
“No, thank you both for trusting in my training. Now enjoy the rest of the afternoon,” Trina called to them as they left.
* * * * *
Ronin’s PDA beeped, warning of an incoming instant message. He pulled it up, wondering who’d contact him during work hours. It was strange enough to have received a Valentine’s invitation to a private filming on one of the holo-stages. Now he’d received an unknown IM from someone who knew his work screen name.
Mistress_Valentine_2012: Hello, Ronin. How are you doing today? You received my invitation for Valentine’s Day?
Ronin_ShippingAsst: Yes, thank you, Mistress. How did you get my work IM?
Mistress_Valentine_2012: *laughs* Obviously, I work at P3, just as you do, darling submissive. The question now -- are you willing to handle being with someone who works in the same company, but a different department?
Ronin_ShippingAsst: I’m more than willing, Mistress. In fact, it makes it easier in some ways. However, I know you’re not part of the House we’ve been trained at. Which house are you affiliated with? If I may ask? *bows head*
Mistress_Valentine_2012: It’s an acceptable question. I have two Houses that share my allegiance -- House Sekhmet and House Aphrodite. Neither House minds that I share time with both places. In fact, though I find House Seti quite fun, it’s definitely a place that emphasizes learning and creativity. It fits Mistress Trina quite well. Do you want to remain affiliated with House Seti? How does Jacob feel about this?
Ronin_ShippingAsst: Both he and I are grateful for having the House teach us how to properly serve. It’s a comfortable, loving environment, though others would consider it quite strict in some areas. Mistress Trina has taken Ronin and myself to House Aphrodite before. She has friends there, and she enjoys the more sensual aspects within that house. I have no experience with House Sekhmet, though I know it’s geared more toward those who are deeper within the Domination and submission, within a warrior-style classing. *pauses, then tilts head* Will we be making affiliation with both houses, Mistress Valentine?
Mistress_Valentine_2012: I will take care of all the arrangements. I just wanted to know if I needed to apply for permissions at House Seti as well, since it’s your patron House
Ronin_ShippingAsst: Jacob is here now, and he would like to keep his affiliation with House Seti, just as I would. It’s our first home, where we came to know our own needs and desires. Though we look forward to making new homes in Houses Sekhmet and Aphrodite, we would like to play at our patron house as well.
Mistress_Valentine_2012: Then I shall petition for admission for part-time status there. As for you and Jacob, I have a request of you both, so I can get to know you better. I’d like to watch you via webcam tonight when you return to your apartment. I wish to question you via IM or microphone via webcam. I wish to see how compatible we are when I wish to play with you without being in a House or together. Will you two concede this evening for getting to know each other?
Ronin and Jacob looked at each other. “I don’t see why not. It sounds kind of fun,” Jacob replied, stroking his hand up and down Ronin’s thigh. “What do you think?”
“I think it’ll be interesting to see if our new mistress likes watching men get it on as much as participating in it,” Ronin said thoughtfully. “Let’s tell her yes.”
Ronin_ShippingAsst: Yes, we would be honored to spend time with you in this manner. We normally get home about 6 p.m. Then we eat supper. Shall we be ready for you about 9 p.m.? I can set up a private webcam address so no one else can pick up the signal, in case you wish to speak directly to us via your own cam as well.
Mistress_Valentine_2012: Tonight it’s about seeing you, seeing you pleasure each other while I watch and inject comments. I want to see how you both work together in pleasure for each other. I know you’re a couple and have been for a while. What I want to see is how I’ll fit in dynamically. What do you want out of this forming relationship of ours?
Ronin stopped for a moment, his mind racing with various things and people. What did he want from all this? He knew that Jacob and he had a fascination with Nik, but it was unacknowledged as far as they knew. But from this woman, this mistress who trained hard to be a Domina, what did he want from her? What I want…is it what Jake wants as well? Or are my desires such that I can have more than one woman in my heart?
Finally, Ronin typed, not looking at Jake. He wanted his lover to understand him fully and his thoughts on this. “This is my response, Jake. Take it as you will, but she asked me, not you on this. This is my answer.”
Ronin_ShippingAsst: I want it all. There is a woman whom my lover and I have adored from afar. Honestly, I’d love to be involved with her beyond this crush aspect we seem to be stuck at. But, that said, I wouldn’t allow what can be between us be stopped because of that crush. I’m willing to try with you, see where this ownership goes. I just ask that you be open and honest with us as well.
Mistress_Valentine_2012: Then I think we both have the right attitude about this relationship. How does your partner feel on this? Let him type in his own answer, Ronin. I applaud your honesty, and I will say this up front -- I’ve known of you both for a while. Until Trina offered me this chance, I didn’t think I’d ever find a way of approaching you both, as it’s known that you are a couple, not necessarily open for a poly-relationship. *looks at Jacob* Well, Jacob, what do you want out of this relationship?
Ronin turned toward his lover and looked deep into his brown eyes. “This is your call. I was honest in my response, Jake. You know how I feel. I’m very flexible in things, and I believe we can find happiness wherever we wish to find it. The question is, where can we find happiness and love now that Trina has done the work for us?”
He watched as his lover flexed his fingers over the PDA’s small keyboard. He wanted to know what was in the mind of his lover, but knew, as soon as the words were revealed, that they proved once again they were well matched in love and in essence.
Ronin_ShippingAsst: Jake, here. Mistress Valentine, I want what anyone wants out of a true BDSM relationship -- a way of living that brings both physical pleasure and also emotional happiness. That said, I’ll be honest -- I have a major thing for Nikita Edwards, one of the owners of P3. I’ve had it since I met her, before I started working for the company. Since then, with everything I’ve seen her do and be for the company and herself, I’ve wanted her. If you are anything like her, I will adore you, Mistress Valentine. I’m open to love, and I know that Trina wouldn’t hand us to just anyone, but to someone who is compatible with us on a level that will foster love and respect.
Mistress_Valentine_2012: Then we are in agreement -- we take this as a chance to develop what is already there between us, that wh
ich the computers and the scientists have declared a solid match. I shall speak to you tonight, then. I must return to work, and if I’m not mistaken, Trina is probably searching for you both. Until later, think of me and what I’ve planned for us on Valentine’s Day.
Chapter Five
Later that evening
Both men arrived back from their nightly workout at the local gym. After a short shower, they prepared the house for the webcam session. Once everything was in place, they ate supper, then cleaned everything up.
“What do you make of this, Jake? This definitely didn’t go like we planned,” Ronin commented while leaning over the kitchen sink washing the dishes.
Jake caressed Ronin’s ass as he answered. “I would walk away, but Mistress Valentine is matched to us. I know Trina; she spared no expense to make sure of the match for us with Mistress Valentine. Like I said, I want to explore this, and I think she might be the one for us.”
Ronin turned, wiping his hands on a towel. Reaching upward, he caressed the blond man’s face with a fingertip. “Is she right for us? I know that computers aren’t always correct, Jake. I want to know her better, and this way seems to help, but will it be enough to let us learn about each other?”
Jake smiled as he played with Ronin’s shirt. “She seems to think we’ll pleasure her by pleasuring each other. That alone is a change from Trina.”
“Don’t be rude about Trina. She had us remain neutral so we would learn the lessons before engaging intimately what we’ve acquired.” Ronin brushed his lips against the pulse point on Jake’s neck. “I wonder what she’ll have us do?”