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Cupid Shoots, She Scores Page 4

  “I know, but I also know that if we’re really meant to be together, we would find a way to do that for ourselves. And as for not seeing each other, you won’t know my identity until Valentine’s Day, but we will meet in some manner.” She smiled at them, blowing each a kiss. “I think it’s time for bed for us all. You both have pushed me to my limits in how much I want and need a couple like you. Thank you both.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Valentine,” Jake said simply. “Sleep well and dream of us. I know we’ll be dreaming of meeting you in person.”

  “Until tomorrow night then,” Mistress Valentine said, then cut the signal from her webcam.

  Both men sat back, wrapped in each other’s arms. “Well, this has definitely been different.” Jake sighed, his mind still wrapping around how quickly their mistress had gotten them to the point of excitement that every submissive craved, yet withheld the needed subspace. “She’s definitely trained in how to read us.”

  Ronin chuckled. “She knows how you are, definitely. She had you so wound up you’d have exploded on command if she’d asked.”

  “As if you wouldn’t have?” Jake lifted one sandy brow.

  Ronin blushed. “Okay, maybe I would. I know we’ve orgasmed for Trina before, but it never felt like this. Then again, I don’t think we’ve ever come with Trina.”

  “No, we haven’t. But that’s another reason Trina says we’re made for Mistress Valentine.” Taking Ronin’s hand, Jake stood up. “Come on, the mistress is right; we’ve got an early day at work if we plan on taking advantage of the spa treatment come the afternoon."

  Both men placed every toy and other item away, and shut down the computer last. Then they crawled into bed, wondering what was in store for them in the morning.

  Chapter Six

  February 13, 2112

  13 Baktun, 5 Katun, 0 Tun, 10 unial, 12 kin, 11 Eb, 0 Cumku, Lord of the Night -- G5 in the New Mayan Calendar

  The next morning, the men woke up to a note on their vid-phone telling them that Trina had given them the entire day off to prepare for their graduation ceremony. A beep on Jake’s PDA caught his attention. Picking it up, he opened it and spotted a message from Mistress Valentine.

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: Good morning, Jacob. I hope you and Ronin slept well.

  Jake_AsstShipping: Yes. Did you sleep well, Mistress?

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: For the most part. I admit that I miss the touch of human warmth as I sleep. I’m hoping, in time, you’ll both choose to stay at night, once all barriers are gone.

  Jake_AsstShipping: So far we seem to mesh. What is your hope in having two male submissives?

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: Companions who will both share my love and have a relationship where we are all equals. Others have found it tough when P3 has taken over sometimes. At least if I’m not there, you each would have someone till I got home.

  Jake_AsstShipping: Would you love both of us equally?

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: Considering that I want you paired -- yes. It prevents jealousy. My hope is that you don’t shut me out.

  Jake_AsstShipping: It hurts -- being shut out. Hopefully, we can prevent it from happening, Mistress? But consider that we, too, have needs separate from each other, not just as one unit.

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: Noted, Jacob. Perhaps I’ll see you tonight?

  Jake_AsstShipping: Mistress Trina has commanded one last time for Ronin and me at House Seti. She mentioned something about a guest. Would that be you?

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: Perhaps. Would you like to see me before Valentine’s Day?

  Jake_AsstShipping: I would be honored. Is there anything I can do to make sure you enjoy yourself at House Seti?

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: A pot of sweetened black coffee with no cream would be welcomed after the workout -- whether I participate or not. Beyond that, Mistress Trina is aware of my needs.

  Jake_AsstShipping: As you will, Mistress. Ronin is calling me. We have a huge shipment going out overseas, and I’m needed. Will you excuse me?

  Mistress_Valentine_2012: *nod* Have a great day. Know I’ll be watching you both. Tell Ronin hello for me.

  Jake_AsstShipping: Will do, and thank you.

  With that, Jake shut off his PDA while telling Ronin the news from their mistress. Quickly, both men showered and dressed in casual clothes for their adventure on the resort side of P3.

  The drive took them about fifteen minutes, but once they parked in the guest parking area, they walked hand in hand into the resort grounds. Within minutes, they felt like royalty and not just like valued employees.

  Jake looked around. “Well, ain’t this something special? We’re guests today, Ronin. Let’s go and follow what Trina’s put together for our day here.”

  “Sounds good. The first thing on the list was to get our hair done.” Ronin played with his long dark brown hair. “She trying to say my hair isn’t pretty enough to impress our new mistress?”

  Within moments, both men were whisked into Decadence, one of the most popular salons in the country. “Mr. Demaide, Mr. Traynor, welcome to Decadence. Miss Trina said to expect you this morning. She’s booked you both for the full treatment, including lunch,” said a cheerful young Asian woman. “My name is Aiko Ekido, and I’ll be your coordinator for the day. If you need anything, just speak my name, and I’ll either answer via speaker or come to where you are.”

  “Thank you, Aiko. Where do we go first?”

  “Why, you’re to go over to Michelle and Dawn, our best stylists. They’ll get your hair washed and styled, then place you with the AIs, who’ll dry and finish the look for your graduation tonight.” Aiko kissed each man’s cheek. “Congratulations, and it’s fantastic to see fellow P3 employees not only graduate from a reputable BDSM school, but to have completed Mistress Trina’s training as well.”

  Jake smiled. “Let me guess, you’re one of her former students?”

  Aiko lifted her loose-knit sleeve over her left arm, showing a small sword intertwined with ivy and orchids. “Yes, I’m one of only two who have made it through her rigorous programming. You two make us a total of four. I’m thrilled for you both.”

  “Thanks, Aiko. Show us where to go and we’ll get started.” Ronin took Aiko’s hand, letting her lead the way for both men. “It means a lot that she’d assign us to someone who also spent time under her tutelage.”

  * * * * *

  Two hours later at Decadence

  Ronin reached over and took Jake’s hand. “I can’t believe Trina paid for all of this!” His lover was having his blond hair trimmed and styled as Ronin’s deep-conditioning treatment on his long dark brown hair continued. “I know we were special to Trina, but to do this? We just graduated from her training. This is just so much…and to think she’s also paying for tomorrow as well.”

  Jake patted Ronin’s hand. “I know, lover, but she has always taken good care of us, ever since we came to her department. We know she does for all of the employees she oversees. Plus, since we were learning how to be good submissives, she wants to show us how much we mean to her. If it wasn’t for the fact that she wouldn’t be intimate with us, I think I could’ve fallen for her.”

  “Me too, but we both know that somehow she wasn’t the one for us. She knew it before we did. Remember how she treated us that first night at House Seti?” With his thumb, Ronin stroked the soft skin of Jake’s hand, gently arousing them both.

  Ronin loved his best friend, loved him heart and soul, but both knew that they were to be ruled by another -- a female who would love and honor not only their hearts, but their bodies as well. Trina had offered her services to teach them how to serve a woman appropriately, and though it meant giving up regular sex with his lover, it brought a deeper commitment to both men. They knew that she rarely took students who also worked at P3, but they hadn’t realized how few until meeting Aiko.

  “She has really thought us to look beyond the sexual, though finally our society has come into its own.” Jake smiled at his l
over. “But more than that, she showed us our core selves. I’m happier now than I was when she first saw us that night with me trying to dominate you.”

  The hair therapists who had been taking care of them interrupted. This time, both the adorable Dawn and the lithe and sexy Michelle came over to them. Michelle spoke, her voice low and erotic to Jake’s ears. “It’s time to rinse out the conditioning, dry the hair, then style it in the manner requested by Miss Trina.”

  “Sounds great.” Ronin rubbed his hands together. This being treated like a guest was just so wonderful to the ego. “What is next, once our hair is styled?”

  “Once we are done, you are to go to the massage therapy room for your next treatment.”

  “What will happen there?” Jake asked, reaching over to squeeze Ronin’s hand. He knew how open the massage therapy rooms were, how sometimes spontaneous sex was the result -- part of the idea of relaxing the mind and body fully. He wondered what was in store for them.

  “I believe the request for today included the full works,” Dawn Montgomery responded. “We shall be done in five minutes. Now, remember, your boss ordered this for you on the fourteenth too, so we’ll expect you here at eleven in the morning to get your hair perfect for your Valentine’s party.”

  Before either man could question Dawn or Michelle, they were tipped back, and warm water began rinsing out the deep conditioners in Ronin’s hair and washing away stray hairs from Jake’s nape. After that, there was no time for questions as the drying covers came over their heads, thus preventing them from hearing each other or the stylists.

  * * * * *

  Once they were in the massage room, Ronin and Jake stripped down, then lay facedown on the waiting massage tables. Normally, human massage therapists took care of the muscles while the AI took care of everything else. It included monitoring their vitals for any kind of stresses and pleasure. Yet today they were to be fully relaxed by human therapists with AI supervision only. A familiar voice sounded as someone entered the massage room, and both men wondered at their dumb luck.

  “Who will be giving me my massage?” Nikita asked. “I do not want any AI today. This is just to prepare my muscles for the party I’ll be attending tonight.”

  The AI for the massage area of the resort answered. “Not a problem, Nikita. Trevor will be here to do your massage while Eve and Menolly do the two other guests.”

  Both men watched as Nikita stripped off her black pants and matching black silk tank top. Jake felt his mouth go dry as she stepped out of her matching underwear and bra, revealing her large breasts and a small tattoo near her nearly bare slit. He couldn’t make out the tattoo, but he knew he would never rest until he found out what it was.

  Two women entered with a male therapist, all of them wearing dark green scrubs that designated they worked in the massage area of the resort. “Thank you for waiting patiently for us,” Menolly, the redheaded female said, placing herself at Jake’s back. “Normally, we’d have all of you separated, but since everyone is trying to get ready for tonight’s festivities, we’re having to group people together. You three don’t mind being touched sexually while the others watch, according to your med-chips, so all three of you will be receiving full sessions with Dana, our AI, watching the session.”

  “Fine with me, I don’t know about those two, but Trevor knows my preferences,” Nikita answered as she placed herself on the last massage table. “Trevor, take care with my upper back -- it’s been aching lately, and I think I might need a slight adjustment to it as well.”

  The muscular male therapist nodded as he stepped up to Nik’s position. “Noted, Nik. Dana, play suitable relaxation music.”

  “As you wish, Trevor.” Dana began playing a haunting melody that called to the soul while relaxing the body. Jake loved Dana’s music and owned several of the AI’s CDs.

  His tension melted away at Menolly’s expert touch, as he knew both Ronin and Nikita responded to their therapists. His mind raced with possibilities, watching as Trevor not only massaged Nikita but pleasured her through the patented massage therapy developed by P3.

  Menolly’s hands slid between his inner thighs and cupped his dick, and Jake felt himself becoming aroused at the light, knowledgeable touch the therapist had about his body. He knew that Dana was giving each therapist insight from the chip everyone wore, providing preferences sexually, healthwise, and more, but somehow being touched in such a matter was something beyond clinical, but truly caring.

  “I need you to lie on your back now,” Menolly whispered in Jake’s ear. “You look delectable tonight, you know.”

  “Thanks. I have to admit your touch is very pleasing,” Jake remarked honestly. “Your touch arouses me, and yet it’s relaxing.”

  “I know that you like the lighter touches from a female when it’s for general pleasure and not in a sexual environment, or when it’s not at a sex house,” Menolly explained as he shifted his body so that his semi-erect dick aimed toward his belly. Her hands slid up his legs, avoiding his genitalia as she continued to relax his body. “I want you to concentrate on the music, on the sensation of my hands caressing across your body, Jake.”

  “Your hands feel fantastic, Menolly. Thank you.”

  He tightened with need as Ronin moaned in response to Eve’s teasing his cock. Jake watched as Ronin arched in time with Eve’s movements, and then he was distracted as Nikita moaned a demand to Trevor.

  Glancing over, he watched as Trevor lifted Nikita’s legs over his shoulders, then cupped Nikita’s full breasts. As Trevor glided his mouth across Nikita’s labia, Jake’s lust increased, as well as his desire to be the one to pleasure Nikita. He wanted to taste her slickness as he excited her with his touch. He looked away, noticing that Ronin also couldn’t take his eyes off Nikita. Although Ronin’s hand was fondling one of Eve’s uncovered nipples, both men knew what turned them on, and it was the woman being pleasured in the same room.

  Jake reached between Menolly’s uncovered legs and his hand inched upward, touching her bare mons. “I need to touch, darling.”

  “Then touch as I take you to completion, Jake.” He did as he was asked, carefully teasing Menolly’s pierced clitoris with his fingers as she expertly stroked his cock first with her hands, then with her mouth.

  But his eyes never left Nikita’s table, where she bucked in time with Trevor’s mouth and one hand, as he fucked her with it in hard, deep thrusts. Something about the way her body moved with him, moved in time with not just Trevor, but with both of them, sent Jake over the edge, his scream of completion mixing in with both Nikita’s and Ronin’s. More than ever, he hoped, he prayed, that Nikita would be their mistress, the one to bring them to happiness.

  Chapter Seven

  Later that night -- House Seti

  Jake looked at the guards at House Seti, nodding at them. Although he was naked except for the collar given him by Trina, he knew the guards were taking his full measure. House Seti had a reputation of being one of the innovative leaders in the BDSM lifestyle, one of which many other houses were envious. He brushed back his bangs while he searched for his lover and their current owner.

  The snap of a whip followed by a loud moan caught Jake’s attention, allowing him to zero in on one of the side galleries. He watched as Trina took a heavy-duty flogger to the naked man on the modified St. Andrew’s Cross. There were welts on Ronin’s back, but no one could miss the evidence of arousal, either. Pain mixed with pleasure. Service mixed with protection. All that and more Trina had taught them. “Mistress, I apologize for my lateness.”

  “I do hope you have an acceptable reason, Jacob,” Trina replied as she lashed her flogger against Ronin’s lower back once more. “Your lover here has been making excuses for your absence. It does not take that long to do as I’ve asked of you.”

  Jake entered, his head bowed. He wasn’t about to admit he’d been waiting, watching to see if he could spot their new mistress before she masked herself. “I was making sure that all of your requirem
ents for aftercare were taken care of, along with the requirements you asked to be added for the night. I also made sure the guards knew about our guest.” He knelt beside Ronin, not looking at his lover. “I submit myself to your punishment, Mistress Trina. I overstepped my rights in my eagerness to have everything ready. I should’ve known you’d have taken care of all the arrangements that I thought of.”

  A sudden jolt of pain flushed through his naked body as Trina’s flogger landed squarely on his back. Then the numbness began to travel outward into his body. “I know you did, Jacob. I’m glad you took care of those things, but you knew I’d have taken care of everything else that I hadn’t mentioned to you specifically. Your lover managed to get his assignment done and was waiting for me as he was commanded.”

  The thudding of the flogger hit his upper then lower back. Jacob concentrated on the tingling sensations as his body relaxed into his punishment. His body reacted with pleasure as the pain faded, while the thought of Trina leading and guiding him turned him on. Sometimes he had to disobey, if only to be made to mind. There was a certain synchronicity in that thought that made him harder.

  The sound of boot steps distracted him. Then a whiskey-laced female voice intruded in the quiet room. “Don’t you think I should be the one to punish the men, if I see fit? You did give them over to me, Mistress Trina.”

  Jake shivered as the low, husky voice carried through his body. It sounded familiar yet strange to his ears. He only hoped to hear more of her voice. He glanced at his lover, who glanced his way. His body, too, seemed to leap toward this new mistress’s voice.

  “I ask for your forgiveness, Mistress Valentine,” Trina said, though he couldn’t tell where either woman stood in relation to him or Ronin. Jake looked to his right and saw matching black boots to those Trina wore. “Would you like my flogger?”